Sunday, 25 November 2012

New year, new class

Attempted to do a picture for Tom of red onions.  I rejected this one of falling onions and may work on it at a future date.  He got one of three onions on a shelf, but I did not photograph it.  
Followed it up with a hurried strawberry on a card and a whimsical 'going, going, gone' strawberry picture.

The lovely tutor, Claire, recommended I move to the advanced class.   I will swear I glowed like a five year old getting a gold star sticker. It is a pity there is not an intermediate class because most of the advanced class are really good.  To be fair, most of them have been doing it for years.  We divide into two tables quite naturally and the other table produces work to exhibit.  I think I am struggling around the bottom of the class.  The class is lovely with a warm atmosphere.  The tutor always finds something good to say and treats us all like real artists.
September began with autumn leaves in watercolour.  We looked at land artists like Andy Goldsworthy - gorgeous work. 
Cotinus star Oct 2012 watercolour
I became quite obsessive collecting beautiful leaves and did several attempts outside the class as well as within it, trying to achieve the results I want, light, translucency and colour.  I did not get it.

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures look so good I cant immediately tell if they are photos. Incredible.
