Sunday, 25 November 2012

More autumn

Everywhere I went I collected leaves, ending up with plastic pouches full of glorious coloured leaves and then worked in a frenzy of photos and outlines to try to capture their beauty before they deteriorated.  Longed to be able to spend whole days just working on this.  In your dreams.
Keeping to watercolour I began to get something nearer to my 'vision' and used up a lot of cadmium yellow, madder red light and golden deep.
Turkey oak Oct 2012 watercolour
Cherry leaves October 2012 watercolour

May still add a few darker leaves to the cherry leaves below.  
It is almost a relief that the leaves have virtually all fallen from the trees in the winds of the last few days, and have become brown and dull.
Although I want to do a dead and dessicated one in the style of Ann Swan...

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