Friday, 28 December 2012

Yew tree bark

Yew December 2012
I had to choose an English native tree so this is a yew from the churchyard at the end of our road.  I studied its folklore and visited it several times.  The bark really is this colour, but becomes red when wet.  In my inexperience I planned too large a picture and got tired of the bark, much preferring the twig and berries.   I like the trompe l'oeil effect of the twig.  
I used coloured pencil on a pastel underwash.  I am not thrilled with it but I always learn from the process.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

More autumn

Everywhere I went I collected leaves, ending up with plastic pouches full of glorious coloured leaves and then worked in a frenzy of photos and outlines to try to capture their beauty before they deteriorated.  Longed to be able to spend whole days just working on this.  In your dreams.
Keeping to watercolour I began to get something nearer to my 'vision' and used up a lot of cadmium yellow, madder red light and golden deep.
Turkey oak Oct 2012 watercolour
Cherry leaves October 2012 watercolour

May still add a few darker leaves to the cherry leaves below.  
It is almost a relief that the leaves have virtually all fallen from the trees in the winds of the last few days, and have become brown and dull.
Although I want to do a dead and dessicated one in the style of Ann Swan...

New year, new class

Attempted to do a picture for Tom of red onions.  I rejected this one of falling onions and may work on it at a future date.  He got one of three onions on a shelf, but I did not photograph it.  
Followed it up with a hurried strawberry on a card and a whimsical 'going, going, gone' strawberry picture.

The lovely tutor, Claire, recommended I move to the advanced class.   I will swear I glowed like a five year old getting a gold star sticker. It is a pity there is not an intermediate class because most of the advanced class are really good.  To be fair, most of them have been doing it for years.  We divide into two tables quite naturally and the other table produces work to exhibit.  I think I am struggling around the bottom of the class.  The class is lovely with a warm atmosphere.  The tutor always finds something good to say and treats us all like real artists.
September began with autumn leaves in watercolour.  We looked at land artists like Andy Goldsworthy - gorgeous work. 
Cotinus star Oct 2012 watercolour
I became quite obsessive collecting beautiful leaves and did several attempts outside the class as well as within it, trying to achieve the results I want, light, translucency and colour.  I did not get it.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Beginner class

I have completed a beginners' class with some pieces I am rather proud of, although I always do something wrong.  I need not point out my errors!
Sweetheart Cabbage April 2012

Sweetheart cabbage in coloured pencil over watercolour.                                        Never thought I could get excited about a cabbage!  Not sure about it on the wall though.            

Berry Swirl June 2012
Berry Swirl in coloured pencils.
I loved doing this - the intensity of the colours and the luscious fruit.  In fact I followed it with two more pieces.  The blackberries were from Mexico I am ashamed to say. It was too early in the season for local ones.  They were huge.
Summer pudding July 2012
Berry Box August 2012

One observation was that the blueberries look like buttons.  Not sure about the raspberries in Berry Box either - a bit flat.  Look as if they have been frozen first.